Sunday, January 15, 2017

Jonah in the Whale

Jonah fled the city of Nineveh because he was too frightened / burdened by the task of calling out the city's wickedness. As part of his punishment for not following his conscious (or the word of God) he was swallowed up by a 'great fish' for three days and nights. After realizing his errors in avoiding his moral obligation to preach the fish spat him out so he could return to Nineveh. I've depicted here an alternative version of the story that includes a key detail not found in the Bible: When Jonah was in the whale he was not alone. There were actually many people inside who had arrived before him. People who saw immorality all around them, knew it was wrong to remain silent, but still never spoke up. So why does the story revolve around Jonah alone? Because he was the one who managed to escape the whale by realizing the sin of his silence in the face of evil.

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